When you are looking to customise an Acrylic Sign, here are some pointers that can help you to minimise your spendings & reduce miscommunications.
1. Editable/vector logo file format
For company signs, this is very important as it ensures that the print results will be in high resolution! Additionally, an editable file allows our signage designers to recommend the approriate proportion for your sign & margin, assist on simple layout editing/adjustments and assess whether there may be any pre-production issues to highlight.
If you lack the professional softwares to open certain files to check, editable/vectors files are usually in Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Encapsulated Postscript Vector (.eps) or Vector PDF (.pdf).
2. Font files used in your sign design
There are countless font type in the market and designers uses various font styles to create your unique and compelling logo. Or uses a consistent font in all its marketing collaterals. Font style is a crucial component to ensure consistency in your branding. Thus, we will recommend that clients to provide their font files. Another way to avoid discrepancies in text style is to ask your graphic designer to ‘outline’ all text sections.
3. CMYK colour tone settings
Most commercial printers use CMYK Colour tones. To ensure colour accuracy, please ensure that your logo is designed in CMYK tones!
4. Bonus Tip: For replacement of existing acrylic sign
Your office space may have an existing acrylic sign which you are considering to replace while reusing the wall mounting to avoid extra drilling. Instead of paying a specialist to take site measuremens to ensure that the acrylic sign will fit, why not find out how you can save on that here?